On the issues


“We are all so very blessed of God to still stand in the light of American freedom, and as long as God continues to stoke the fires of liberty and principled wisdom in the hearts of American patriots, America will never be defeated. Our men and women in uniform have never fought because they hated what was in front of them, they fight because they love what is behind them. The Bible says, greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life or his friends. These brave individuals go even beyond that, because they put their life at risk for people they don’t even know, they fight for the cause of human freedom itself, and they are the noblest figures in human society. God help America to always keep faith with these heroes who gave everything they had to allow their children and ours to live and walk in liberty. We can never honor them enough. For 15 years on the Armed Services Committee, I fought so hard for our veterans before and after their service. By the Grace of God, I will do so again.”


An unmatched record

  • Veterans had no greater friend in Congress than Trent Franks, and he will continue that commitment if voters return him to Congress.
  • Congressman Trent Franks was a relentless supporter and advocate in Congress for military veterans, especially those wounded in battle.
  • As a Member of the House Armed Services Committee, Trent always voted to support the American heroes who fight to defend our freedom. He worked diligently to make sure they were the best equipped and best trained military in the world.
  • On the Armed Services Committee, Trent supported concurrent receipt legislation to provide more support for veterans than had ever been covered by current law.
  • Trent introduced the Veterans Right to an Attorney Act to help them navigate the confusing maze of the VA Appeals Courts as well as assisting them on many other different fronts. “As Americans, we all have been blessed by the sacrificial service of the bravest and most noble soldiers in the world. We owe each one of these men and women and unspeakable debt of gratitude.”
  • Trent helped negotiate a plan in Congress to work out a compromise between the White House and GOP congressional leaders to supply $22 billion to help disabled veterans. Trent remarked, “We walk in freedom today because of the bravery of generations of noble soldiers who have gone before us. This historic plan honors these men and women and will, in time, rectify a policy which was unjust from the beginning.”

For such a time as this

You already know that we accomplished so much in the past, and the seniority that I will return to Congress with puts me in a position to get so much more done in the future. Right now, we are standing in front of a volcano of leftist ideology spewing on our children, our government, our security, and our economy. There is no way back. We must seize this fleeting moment to launch over this toxic insanity, and onto a bedrock foundation of a brighter future for our children and future generations.”

– Congressman Trent Franks


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