On the issues
Protection of Unborn Babies
“The solemn charge in the soul of each of us to protect the marginalized and helpless in human society transcends all political boundaries. Protecting the innocent and helpless of all ages and circumstances has been the preeminent commitment in my public life. That includes unborn children and their mothers, and I will relentlessly work to protect them both as long as I live.”
An unmatched record
- Trent and his wife, Josie, stood with Dave and JoAnn Everitt when they founded and dedicated Arizona’s first Crisis Pregnancy Center in 1982, and Trent has supported women in crisis and alternatives to abortion ever since.
- Trent was Co-Chair of the Congressional Coalition on Adoption as well as Co-Chair of the Coalition on Adoption Institute
- Congressman Franks pro-life record is legendary. Congressman Franks was the Republican Co-Chair of the Pro-Life Caucus and was one of the most successful and effective pro-life leaders ever to serve in Congress.
- Congressman Franks was the Prime Congressional Sponsor of the three most important pro-life bills in America (Born Alive, Pain Capable, And Prenatal Nondiscrimination, all of which passed the U.S. House of Representatives).
- Trent very effectively worked to help orchestrate events to help precipitate the fall of Roe versus Wade. He was Chairman of the Constitution subcommittee and was intrinsically involved in the appointment and/or confirmation of three US Supreme Court Nominees. He was also one of the most preeminent and vociferous leaders in Congress in the successful effort to prevent Democrats from using the Senate precedent motions to block Donald Trump’s three US Supreme Court nominees from being confirmed. These six justices overturned Roe versus Wade and have handed down many decisions on school choice and other issues critically important to our children and the nation’s future.
Trent WILL eradicate the woke ideological grooming of our children, guard parents’ rights, defend helpless unborn babies and their mothers, and enforce life sentences for anyone who sexually traffics a child.
For such a time as this
“You already know that we accomplished so much in the past, and the seniority that I will return to Congress with puts me in a position to get so much more done in the future. Right now, we are standing in front of a volcano of leftist ideology spewing on our children, our government, our security, and our economy. There is no way back. We must seize this fleeting moment to launch over this toxic insanity, and onto a bedrock foundation of a brighter future for our children and future generations.”
– Congressman Trent Franks

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Protection of Unborn Babies