On the issues
Support for Trump
“During this campaign many people have asked me why I have so relentlessly endorsed and supported Donald Trump. Let me tell you why.
First, it is said that one of the best ways to judge what a man stands for is by the enemies he keeps. Even the most woefully incomplete list of Donald Trump’s enemies is impressive.
His enemies include a Democrat Party now wholly owned by Marxist revolutionaries, left-wing Hollywood actors, left-wing academia, 93 percent of the left-wing news media, anti-Semitic monsters, malignant woke lunatics determined to desecrate the hearts of our children, the deep state, social media giants, most of the major internet search engines, those who would weaken our police and military, committed socialists in government, the abortion industry, Russia, China, Iran and those who would mindlessly weaponize our justice system and destroy the Constitution and the rule of law itself. To have enemies like these speaks very well of Donald Trump. Unfortunately, Joe Biden has completely sold-out America to each these enemies of Trump, and all of them are idiotically determined to elect Joe Biden president again.
I served with Joe Biden for six years in the Congress, and during that time he never hesitated to betray the innocent and throw the country and the Constitution under the bus for short-term political advantage. He had an amazingly consistent record for being completely wrong on everything. If Joe Biden was ever the answer, it was a preposterous question.
I also served in Congress when Donald Trump was president, and when Donald Trump was in the White House, we had low inflation, a growing economy, and stronger national security. We destroyed ISIS, terrorists all over the world were on the run, our military diplomacy was respected in the world, Donald Trump kept his promises to place constitutional justices on the Supreme Court, and we secured the border.
Then Joe Biden came in, border security and all of these other things went to hell in a handbasket, and now our entire country stands at the brink of national disaster.
I don’t think I have to outline for any intelligent observer all of the astonishing idiocy and dark malevolence Joe Biden and the lunatic left has perpetrated on this country over the last four years. Confused historians will be trying to sort it out for decades. But this latest treason of weaponizing government against Donald Trump in the obscene kangaroo court trial in New York is almost unimaginable and it has damaged this nation.
The American people are not blind to the faults of Donald Trump. However, they will instinctively choose a sometimes-undiplomatic personality who loves America and her founding ideals over a heartless, mindless demagogue like Joe Biden who hates both. It is not a hard choice.
For the sake of our children. For the sake of all of those who founded this nation and dreamed of what America could someday be, and for the sake of all those since then who have died in darkness so Americans could walk in the light of freedom, may God give us the wisdom and courage, for such a time as this, to understand the stark alternatives, what is truly at stake, and vote for Donald Trump over Joe Biden.”
An unmatched record
- Congressman Trent Franks Was One of the Most Courageous Protectors of President Donald Trump in the United States Congress.
- Congressman Trent Franks led the effort and the narrative to change the motion-to-proceed-to-consider precedent rule so Donald Trump’s US Supreme Court nominees could come to the U.S. Senate floor and be confirmed.
- Without this change, it is extremely unlikely that any of Donald Trump’s three nominees to the Supreme Court would have ever been confirmed by the U.S. Senate.
For such a time as this
“You already know that we accomplished so much in the past, and the seniority that I will return to Congress with puts me in a position to get so much more done in the future. Right now, we are standing in front of a volcano of leftist ideology spewing on our children, our government, our security, and our economy. There is no way back. We must seize this fleeting moment to launch over this toxic insanity, and onto a bedrock foundation of a brighter future for our children and future generations.”
– Congressman Trent Franks

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