On the issues

Parental Rights

“The woke lunatic left told us directly that they were “coming for our children”. They are keeping that insidious promise in every hellish way imaginable. They have turned government education into leftist and socialist indoctrination aimed at completely rewriting America’s future, and they have subjected our children to the brainwashing of gender and sexual confusion. What we teach our children determines the fate of America’s future. Whether it’s DEI, CRT, Gender Dysphoria, Marxist Indoctrination or a dozen other idiocies, the left seems to have an unlimited imagination when it comes to the ideologies of stupidity they want to impose on our children. I have fought to protect children all of my adult life because I believe they are God’s most precious gifts on earth to us. That will never change so help me God.”


An unmatched record

  • Congressman Franks has been one of the nation’s most effective and innovative leaders for Parental Rights and School Choice. Trent was the author and leading proponent of the successful passage of the landmark Scholarship Tax Credit Bill in Arizona which and has survived three U.S. Supreme Court challenges, passed in 21 states, and helped to break open school choice for the entire nation. The largest school choice mechanism in America, it has already provided scholarships to tens of thousands of children in Arizona and hundreds of thousands of children in America to attend schools of their parents’ choice.
  • Congressman Trent Franks was a prime sponsor of the highly recognized “Dangerous Crimes Against Children Bill” to protect children from murder and rape.
  • Trent was also a cosponsor and relentless advocate of HR 3132 The Children’s Safety Act, a comprehensive plan to care for and shelter our little ones from sexual and violent crimes, and he wrote and introduced the “Child Obscenity and Pornography Bill” when he was a state legislator, to protect children from being victimized by pornography. It passed into law and was challenged in federal court where it became a national precedent model for dozens of states when it was upheld as fully constitutional in the case of Ripplinger versus Collins.
  • Trent was Chairman of the Orphans and Vulnerable Children Caucus in Congress and was dedicated to making sure that all orphans and vulnerable children were protected and had a loving family of their own.
  • Trent advocated for the protection of children with Down syndrome.
  • Trent was the Original Founder and President of the AZ Family Research Institute which was America’s first Family Policy Council associated with Dr. James Dobson’s Focus on the Family.
  • Trent born with cleft palate himself, has, for decades, supported Operation Smile to help children in America and across the world with facial deformities including traveling to other nations with Operation Smile to assist with efforts to provide dozens of children with cleft palate and lip with corrective surgeries.
  • When he was 29 years old, Trent was appointed by Arizona’s Governor to head the Arizona Governor’s Office for Children, which is a Cabinet level division of the Governor’s office responsible for overseeing and coordinating state policy and programs for Arizona’s children. Because of his lifelong commitment to Children and Children’s issues, Trent Franks was later nominated “Children’s Champion” by Arizona State Legislators.

For such a time as this

You already know that we accomplished so much in the past, and the seniority that I will return to Congress with puts me in a position to get so much more done in the future. Right now, we are standing in front of a volcano of leftist ideology spewing on our children, our government, our security, and our economy. There is no way back. We must seize this fleeting moment to launch over this toxic insanity, and onto a bedrock foundation of a brighter future for our children and future generations.”

– Congressman Trent Franks


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